Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A long post about these sweet sistas

Sister Borcherding and Sister Hecht, what gems. I met Sister Borcherding, on your left, who is from Germany my second week in Switzerland when I was eating lunch at the Boos family's for lunch. I didn't talk too much to her because I thought she only spoke German, actually I remember her saying something about her English isn't good, but she is learning. When Sister Hecht was transferred into our ward a few weeks later, I met her at church. For the next few Sundays I said my hellos to them both. A few weeks ago at a Relief Society BBQ Sister Hecht came over to talk to me. She knows English very well, she studied it in school in Germany{where she is originally from} and has lived in Helsinki Finland for a few years before her mission. Sister Hecht complimented me on my hair, it was down and curly, and I complimented her on her scarf. I asked her how she knew English so well which led to the topic of her living in Helsinki. I then asked her if she had heard of the band Architecture in Helsinki...which she had and that led to the next 30-45 min talking about music. I filled her in on all the new albums that were out and we exchanged a lot of "have you heard of...?"s. We were both impressed with each others fine taste in music. We made a pact that we would exchange music, she had her external hard drive with her on her mission that has her music on it. She told me about how in August, after her mission is over she will be back in the area for holiday and we decided to be friends and hangout while she is here. We then spent a lot of talk on crafting and cool stuff. We have a lot of similar hobbies and loves. Sister Bocherding came over to talk to me a little and I complimented her on her English, she knew more than I thought. The following Sunday at church we made a plan for them to come over and have lunch with me. So last week they were over for lunch and spent several hours with me. {They didn't have PDay that week so they spread out freetime throughout the week, so they had some more time to spend with me} Turns out Sister Borcherding speaks great English, that sneak, I was totally surprised. It was really fun getting to know the both of them. After lunch Sister Hecht and I exchanged music and I provided a computer for her to purchase a bus ticket for after her mission. She also informed me that after her holiday here in August she will return in October and nanny for 6 weeks for a family in our ward. So that sure will be fun. I would LOVE to go visit her in Helsinki next year. Then just today, a week after their lunch visit, they came over again and I made them lunch. It was a fun afternoon, it is always nice to have visitors, it is a rare occurrence. Sister Hecht is being transferred tomorrow, which she found out a few days ago. Boo. But luckily she will be back in a month! They are both off their missions in 5 weeks and I look forward to continue being their friends either in person or via internet. I told them both that when Jachen and I are living in the USA they are expected to come stay with us. I am pretty sure they will take me up on that. OH and today Sister Hecht gave me a pair of owl earrings she bought for me AND the rest of her JIF peanut butter{she was done carrying it around in her suitcase and knew just the person to appreciate it}. I will keep her around.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

super cute story! They look really nice. It must be such a great thing when you meet someone that speaks english, I cant imagine.