Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Friday night hangout at the Brockenstube{thrift store}. This is one of the two we go to the most, this is the one with way to high of prices. Something that is cracked or broken is still like 6francs when it really should be 3francs...at least in my experience with American thrift stores. Books start at around 6francs and go up. Basically everything should be half the price that it is marked. This thrift store is owned by a church, Salvation Army, so they want to make money for it so prices are high. So that explains it. However, you can find some gems here, if you are willing to pay a few francs more than desired.

Such a cute and tiny pocket dictionary...to bad it was German/Italian.

Kaitlin, I saw this book and thought of you. I almost bought it for you, buttt I didn't.

Jachen sure likes to model at the thrift store.
He was really excited about this "Wizard's" coat.

Farmers milking stool. I saw this last year at Fasnacht and had no idea why they were wearing these on their bums, now it makes sense. Thanks Jachen.


Natalie said...

HAHAHAHa that cracked my up, those stools are hilarious, but sure functional. They dont look very comfy though. Jachen, I love that you model stuff....so funny! mark would be too embarrassed to do that.

kaitlin said...

hahaha jachen would love being your model. typical!

and that stool?! so funny.

what a funny book. glad you thought of me.