Friday, July 22, 2011

Jachen exposed

I have accepted the fact that my babies have a 50-50 chance of having cheeks like their daddy when he was a baby. Oh boy. Jachen is the cheek KING. Look at those things! I have told Jachen that he was a funny looking baby, BUT I can say that because he was a dang cute kid, teenager and adult. At some point in life he lost the oval shaped head and huge cheeks, I would say he looks pretty different now from his baby photos. Another great thing about living in the house that he grew up in is that I can find photos of him here. So here Jachen is chubs, rolls, missing teeth and all. Turns out I am posting a lot of his pictures. Look at that little Swiss boy.

Below, is the age of where he starts getting SUPER cute.


And, now he is all grown up.


stephanie said...

My fav is the one with the red hat.

kaitlin said...

gosh he looks exactly the same meaning you can totally tell he is the same person.

and that last picture is a KEEPER he looks good!!


joslin said...

hahahaha his cheeks! so great. oh man all of these pictures are adorable!

Julene said...

how did i miss this post before?!! what a cute little boy he was! and that last picture of his is a really good one too.