Wednesday, May 4, 2011

me and the mountaneer

when asking mr jachen what the title of my blog should be, even though i was already convinced in my head of what it would be...he replied with these...

„The Mountains are alive, with the sound of Thunder“
„Where the Horizon is never seen. (My Switzerland Experience)“
„Me and the Mountaneer“
„Designing in the Mountains“
„Thin Air, Simple Life“ or just „Thin Air“
„Never alone again…just high above“
„Touching the Sky“
„Skyscrapers of Stone“
„Monica’s Switzerland Experience“
Any of the above or completely different would do, ;)

i am glad he tried to narrow it down for me. 
i am too ocd to combine my new life in switzerland on my current All Things Lovely blog. that blog is reserved for beautiful things i find and beautiful parts of life i enjoy. i need to have my life organized that also goes for my blogs. hence i have like seven. oh, not like seven...but actually seven. so both blogs will remain with different content. there is already so much to report about this Swiss life. BUT now that i finally have this blog up and running and now that it's 3pm...i can get out of my pj's and get to organizing my house...which you will see in pics and video soon. 

a sneak peak at what's to come...


our first Ikea trip

the back/front door of our home. second door is ours.

i can't wait to share more with you all!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

phew, finally got through all those words....but it was great to read all about everything. We miss you LOTS! Keep posting pictures, that's what we want to see.